Speed and agility
A lot of people have asked for tips on building speed and agility over the last few weeks as some sports have finished for the season now.
I still see a lot of people doing the same old 60 metres or so sprints over a set number of sets and then doing lots of jumping over hurdles etc. This works to a very small degree. But first, you need to iron out structural imbalances in the body. Work on getting you're posture correct.
An example of a session I did with a client this week, who is in pre-season now Myofascia release on certain points of the body, then working on corrective exercises over a set time.
Then the work out:
- Prowler march 8 rounds 20metres
- Falling start 8 rounds 20metres
- Backward med ball throw 5reps 5 rounds
- Box jumps onto two tires which creates an unstable base, which makes you work harder.
- 5reps 5 rounds.